An exciting tour starting from the slopes of the Andes as far as the capital, in the heart of Bolivia, through territories become famous thanks to the American Wars of Independence led by Commander Ché Guevara. This route is not so easy; it may be for true adventurers only.


  • Days: 5
  • Stages: Santa Cruz; Vallegrande; mausoleum del Ché; “Ruta del Ché”; La Higuera; Villa Serrano; Sucre.
  • Tour Number 12
  • Conditions: The cost of the Tour includes transfer to/from airport, all transfers mentioned, stay in pousada/hotel by half board, daily excursions with a bilingual guide.
    All expenses not mentioned in the routes and drinks are excluded.



Arrival at Santa Cruz Airport and transfer to hotel. Dinner and overnight stay.


Breakfast, short visit of the interesting central square, then departure for Vallegrande, a symbol of the Bolivian Revolution.
The road to access it is almost completely paved (180 km out of 230), but it will take about 6 hours to get there and there will be some stops, including that for lunch in a typical local restaurant.
When arrived and arranged your baggage in the Santa Cruz hotel, there is a short visit of the small town center.
Then dinner and overnight stay.


Departure from the town Vallegrande to visit the mausoleum of Che’, where a mass grave was found out, where Che Guevara and his six companions were buried for 30 years, from their death in October 1967 to their finding in 1997; then we’ll go for the whole “Ruta del Ché” (The Way of Ché) and, starting from Vallegrande, through Guadalupe, Santa Ana, Pucara (just to name a few of typical mountain villages on the way), we’ll arrive as far as the “Quebrada del Churo”, where Che Guevara was captured by the army, and “La Higuera”, a small village with 20 villagers which is worldwide famous for the “Escuelita”, where Che Guevara and his three companions died.
Lunch in a simple restaurant of the village and then we’ll continue our trip towards the mountain town of Villa Serrano, where we will have dinner and spend the night.
The entire route is made up of dirt roads in the middle of the Bolivian Andes, with impressive and breathtaking views.


After breakfast, departure for Sucre (a 180-km dirt road) as far as the infinite and majestic Andean plateau.
On the way we will go through various Andean villages such as Tomina, Zudanes, Tarabuco; in the latter we could stop to know the colorful craft market (Sunday only). When arrived in Sucre, you could arrange your luggage in the Hostal Espana hotel, located at the old town center, two hundred meters far from the central square “Plaza 25 de Mayo “, then lunch.
In the afternoon there is a city sightseeing of Sucre, which, we remind you, is the capital of Bolivia (La Paz is not the capital of Bolivia as mistakenly believed; La Paz is just the seat of the government), here you could appreciate the colonial center with its characteristic white buildings, among which the Cathedral and the Courthouse stand out.
Dinner and overnight stay in the hotel.


Breakfast and transfer to airport.


Ask for information, conditions and travel costs

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