Group tour with scheduled dates; ideal for people who travel alone but want to save on rates, or for small groups that want to join others. Tour short but essential, which leads to full Pantanal’s knowledge and all of its available activities, including jaguar boat-safaris.


  • Days: 4
  • Stages: Cuiabà Airport; Poconé start tour; Accom: Pousada Estancia Vitoria, Pousada Porto Jofre Pantanal hotel.
  • Tour Number 3B
  • Conditions: the price of the Pantanal tours includes transfer from and to the airport or the city of Cuiabà, all the transfers mentioned, stay in pousada with treatment of full meals, daily excursion with bilingual guide. Drinks and all extra-purchases not mentioned in the itineraries are excluded.
    The tour foresees moves in open Jeep safari.

Minimum number of participants for the departure of the tour: 8 people.

Departures on the 15th of each month (excluding August and September)



Arrive to the airport of Cuiabà. Departure toward Poconè (Capital of the Pantanal); brief visit of Poconè, lunch in churrascaria (not included) and departure toward the pousada “Estancia Vitoria”, (km.38 of Transpantaneira road), already inside the Pantanal and first knowledge of it.
In the evening, after the supper in pousada, is scheduled a brief nighttime safari, during which there is the possibility to meet various animals and nighttime birds, among which, the ocelot.


Sunrise “pantaneiro” with ecological walk to reach a watchtower, then breakfast, and departure in the morning to complete a walk or a ride (to choice) inside the pousada (the whole pousada has a dimension of around 700 hectares), where the characteristic caymen of the Pantanal (Jacarè), the Jabirùs (or Tuiuiu, the animal symbol of the Pantanal), the capivaras (the greatest rodent to the world) and innumerable kinds of birds can be admired. The lunch will effect in pousada and, in the afternoon, departure to make a safari on the Transpantaneira, to reach Porto Jofre and meet the Cuiabà river.
The supper and the overnight stay will take place in the pousada Porto Jofre Pantanal hotel.
In the evening, after the supper in pousada, is scheduled a brief nighttime safari, during which there is the possibility to meet various animals and nighttime birds, among which, the ocelot.


Breakfast and departure for a motorboat trip (of 6-8 hours) on the Cuiabà river, dedicated to the research and the study of the Jaguar, in its natural habitat; packed lunch. Return in the hotel after the sunset to dine and stay overnight. (pousada Porto Jofre Pantanal hotel).


Breakfast, then return at the airport of Cuiabà (visit to some “shops” of handicraft commodity located in Poconè, for the possible purchase of typical products and souvenirs, in relation to flight schedules).


Ask for information, conditions and travel costs

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